The Pillow Man can only Dream
This 15min single channel video is a documentation of a performance art piece performed along the Old Quarters of Hanoi. Interested in how the socio-political climate in Hanoi has impacted the livelihoods of the locals, I questioned what their dreams were and have them expressed on a cardboard box. The performance however was stopped midway by the authorities and the objects were confiscated. What seemed like the exploration of the people’s concern has unraveled the fear experienced by the system. Translation of Vietnamese text on the confiscated cardboard box: (From top to bottom, left to right) - Go back to my hometown to work in a Japanese company and pass my Japanese N2 Level. - Earn lots of money - Become a producer - Get into Hanoi University - Become a professional basketballer - Become a good journalist - Become a Japanese Bridge System Engineer - Become an artist, help the poor and people with mental issues